Work & Portfolio
Below is all of my client work and Portfolio. I provide examples of before and afters and also explain what I did to perfect the image.
Here you can see this image which has been left in the sun and taken sun damage. This image has had the quality and colour ripped out of it and almost ruined the detail in it. With this, I used the Hue & Saturation tool and many others such as Colour Balance, White/Black Point, Vibrance, Exposure, Levels and a few more!
I used a total of 16 different adjustment layers on this one image. Some are of different parts of the image
And to the right you can see the after image, which looks much better. There is more detail in both womens faces and doesn't wash out the skin tones. I tried to tone down the over brightness by using the colour balance adjustment layer but it was quite difficult with it needing a lot of light needing to be added back in. The only thing I wish I could improve on is the hair, I tried keeping the hairs details somewhat the same without darkening it too much but when trying it, it made the hair too light in comparison to the rest of the image.